Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jump Seat Experience in ATR 72-500 Plane

This is my first time to have the opportunity to sit on jump seat in a plane. Jump seat is an auxiliary crew station, is a seat in an aircraft cockpit for individuals not operating the aircraft. From there you can see how pilots operates an plane and heard their conversation over to the control tower. The best part to see is during the landing session when you can see the plane approaching the landing lane and pilots do the necessary preparation to land.

Plane preparing to take off.

Captain is giving instruction to the control tower.

Plane dashboard.

Upper dashboard.

Lower control panel.

Emergency exit.

Oxygen mask.

Checking on the checklist while on air.

This is 9M-FYE.

Pangkor island.

Approaching Penang island.

Landing lane is visible now.

Approaching landing lane.

Getting near...


Almost touch down...


Finally touches ground.

Surfing on ground.

Heading to parking.

Reached Penang officially.
