University of Hong Kong (HKU) actually organize tour every Wednesday & Saturday. I found this free tour from their website itself ( In order to join the tour, one must register via the website. Founded in 1911, evolved from the Hong Kong College of Medicine, it has become the oldest tertiary institution in Hong Kong. Being among the top 20 university in the World and the best in Asia, every visitor to Hong Kong should take a look and learn about the history of this university. The tour stared of at the Fung Ping Shan which is the museum of Chinese art building. Then we go to the Main building which is the first building in HKU. From the tour session, I know that Dr Sun Yat Sen was the first graduate from this university and the faculty of medicine was the first faculty setup here.

HKU main entrance at Borham road.

Fung Ping Shan (Museum of Chinese Art).

The Main Building is the oldest structure in the University of Hong Kong. It was originally used as classrooms and laboratories for Medicine and Engineering and is now home of the various departments within the Arts Faculty. The central Great Hall which can seat about 450 people is named after Loke Yew of Kuala Lumpur, a benefactor of the University in its early years. Now, I know why the main hall is named after Loke Yew. Looks like there are many Malaysian who contributed to Hong Kong development. From previous trip to the Peak, I can see that Michelle Yeoh statue being presented at the entrance of Madame Tussauds, Jimmy Choo outlets & Robert Kwok in real estate.

Main library.

Dr. Sun Yat Sen statue. The first graduate.

Water lily pond near Dr. Sun Yat Sen statue.

Eliot Hall and May Hall. Eliot Hall now houses Journalism and Media Studies Centre and the Foundation Chamber. May Hall, has been converted into University offices and Centre of Buddhist Studies. These two halls have witnessed from the first generation student hostel life in campus. Its architectural forms - the classical ideals of symmetry and proportion - not only conform to the best tradition of its time but also adapt ingeniously - with balconies, arcades and cascading terraces - to the local climatic and topographical conditions.

The faculty of Science building.

View from Hong Kong view towards Victoria Harbour. During the early days, Victoria Harbour can be seen from here. But as the progress of development and the building of skyscrapers have blocked the scenic view.

This is how HKU bus look like.