Cloud Gate is a public sculpture by Indian-born British artist Anish Kapoor. Also named "The Bean/The Electric Kidney Bean" is said inspired by liquid mercury. It reflects the splendour that is the Chicago skyline. It plays tricks with the light and the sky. It is massive, giving it weight and importance. It is elegant and balanced on its ends and without any colour of its own. And finally, it is interactive, and lets the viewer become part of the art or stand back and let the simple act of walking, turning, or even just swaying change the visual presented by the sculpture. Kapoor calls his creation "Cloud Gate" because 80 percent of its surface reflects the sky.

Cloud Gate of Chicago.

Cloud Gate with Chicago skyline.

Chaos images underneath Cloud Gate.

Visitors posing themselves underneath Cloud Gate.

Me selfie at Cloud Gate.
Coordinate/GPS: 41.882694,-87.624213
Address: Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Entrance fee: Free.
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