CRH train ticket cannot be purchased online by foreigner. Only China citizen can book online. In order for foreigner to buy the ticket, they need to get it from train ticket agency. This train ticket agency is located just opposite my hostel near Nanjing Road!
Waiting hall of Shanghai Hongqiao railway station. This is the largest railway station in Asia in term of size.

My 2.00pm G4 High speed train. Shanghai to Beijing on the fastest train rated 300km/h cost 553 RMB Yuan. The journey is 1,318 kilometre long and takes 4 hours and 48 minutes. They also have slower train rated at 250km/h cost 410 RMB Yuan but will take 7 hours 56 minutes. The train making one stop throughout the journey at Nanjing.
When you brought the CRH train ticket, it comes with insurance certificate.
The list of train departure on the main board.
CRH train.
CRH train interior.
Scenery view from the train. Nothing impressive. A lot of construction work.
During my trip, the train reached the top speed of 308km/h.
Hungry. Brought this rice and dishes set at 15 Chinese Yuan.
The meal does not look appetizing and its spicy. The only item which is good is on the lower left. From top clockwise, kidney bean, bamboo shoot & big bean sprout sichuan styled and squid sichuan styled.
A packet of rice. The rice is good but a lot.
Kidney bean.
Me with CRH train.
Bullet train design. However, this train have some controversies in year 2007 where there is major accident happened in Wenzhou, China involving the same train type.
GPS/Coordinate: 31.194865, 121.319419
Train station: Shanghai Hongqiao station.
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