This is my first time I had a meal in Japanese restaurant for wedding dinner and whats great about the dinner is the amount food that you can ordered. Yes, it's a buffet and ala-carte style of menu provided on each table. More than 80+ items to choose from. We can choose what we would like to eat and the amount that we want to order. Must make sure that we can finish it before we order. Cannot be too greedy also. Else the host are punishable from food wastage. Drinkwise were great too with availability of many Japanese wines such as Umeshu, Sake and Yuzu wine. Overall great experience and something different from common Chinese restaurant dinner. Couples nowadays will try to have alternative type of dining for their wedding to create a more memorable experience. We all feel satisfied with the quality and quantity of the Japanese food served in this restaurant. Taste wise is great. Thank you Qing Ying and wish both of you good healthy and happily ever after.

Menu provided. First time wedding dinner can order as you wish.

Tempura and salad.

Fish head always being my favourite dish in Japanese restaurant.

Delicious and sweet umeshu.

Rice bowl with sashimi and soba.

Fresh oysters available as well.

Scallop and rice.

We ordered so much food. But eventually we are able to finished it. Unagi is our favourite.


Grilled white cod.

Salmon belly sashimi.

Grilled white cod fish.

Yuzu wine. Sourish and sweet.



Mitasu Japanese restaurant.


Fresh oysters.

Ice cream.


Brownies with black sesame ice cream.
GPS/Coordinate: 3.149120, 101.711324
Address: Central Plaza, B-01, No. 34, 50250, 2506, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Opening hours: Weekday 6.00pm to 10.00pm & 12.00pm to 3.00pm/6.00pm to 10.00pm on weekend.
You are great! Wonderful compilation. I can go through the list and study them for better understanding.Japanese restaurant